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This week I had a very interesting session with a client. We talked about 'beliefs' and the extent to which our beliefs are the cause of our loss of connection with ourselves.

Coaching often focuses on limiting beliefs. These are negative views about yourself and the world around you, which you consciously or unconsciously hold. Obstructive beliefs that are common are, for example: I can't do it, I'm not good enough, I'm not worth it or I don't matter. I'm so…

But the paradigm goes much further. When we look at 'beliefs' through the lens of real awareness, we only realize how we were/are indoctrinated by our family, our upbringing, education, work, society, social media, the press, politics, etc. Often with very good intentions, but we pass on our 'beliefs' without questioning to anyone who wants to hear them, or does not want to hear them. We are full of it.  

What exactly are beliefs? Beliefs are the pathways through which we create, interpret, and interact with our truths. 

  • “My daughter lives in a room next to someone who smokes and is covered in tattoos and piercings. I wouldn't want to encounter that at night!”. The girl in question doesn't even have to make herself known, the people around her know exactly what she is like.  
  • A mother cooks a new dish from a cookbook for the first time. The eldest son says at the table, “I don't like that, it contains orange!” and a sublime culinary experience passes him by.
  • During the corona period, everyone was full of his/her own convictions and we, all together, spent several years convincing others that we were right. 

Because that's how it works. It is through the lens of our individual beliefs that we look for confirmation, for support, for connection, for proof of the truth. That is an unconscious process but it creates the mental prison we are in. We resign ourselves to fate: “I'm always unlucky!” or “life is hard for me.” 

Why then are we so susceptible to beliefs? Beliefs provide us with cause-and-effect relationships and record the reasons why certain things happen to us in physical reality. And that's what our trapped minds need: an explanation, a reason. “My upbringing has caused me to approach life this way (or this way)” or “I have already had some bad experiences with previous employers”.

But what few realize is this: Beliefs cause us to separate from Ourselves or lose our connection to Source. It is by consciously distancing ourselves from beliefs and being completely open to 'What Is' and to what presents itself that we are able to escape our own prison and get back to creating our own lives. reality. We reconnect with ourselves and arrive in the Here and Now. We step out of the fixed lines of our beliefs and are open again to real experience, the experience of the Now.

And then the horses. While we as humans do not realize that we are trapped behind our mental bars, we look at the horses behind electric fences and think that we are superior. But we don't realize that these beautiful beings are freer than we are. Horses do not have limiting beliefs and are not burdened with other people's opinions or worries about yesterday and tomorrow. Every moment they are connected to the Source and they live life in the Here and Now.  

The coachee wanted to do an exercise and consciously put all beliefs aside. He went to our horse and gave it a hug. They stood there like that for several minutes. The man began to cry and thanked the horse. What an intense moment. Afterwards he said: "I felt the connection with Life again."

Yes, that makes me silent... and grateful. 


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