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Team Building

Coaching met paarden

A unique teambuilding with horses

Are you looking for an effective way to strengthen bonds within your team and increase productivity? At Horse Act we offer inspiring team building activities with horses that are guaranteed to have a lasting impact.

Our horse activities are designed to help teams connect better and work together more effectively. Horses are masters at reading body language and energy, and they provide direct and honest feedback about group dynamics and individual contributions. By interacting with these beautiful animals, team members can improve their communication skills, build trust and create a deeper connection with each other.

In addition to strengthening team dynamics, our activities also provide the opportunity for individual growth and development of Personal Leadership. By working with horses, participants learn to discover and develop their own leadership qualities. Horses respond to authenticity, self-confidence and clear communication, and they help team members strengthen these essential leadership skills.

By strengthening bonds within the team and developing personal leadership, organizations often see a direct impact on productivity and performance. Teams that can work better together and communicate effectively are able to overcome challenges and achieve better results.

Both the morning and afternoon start with a theoretical part indoors during which we work interactively around one of the Horse Act themes (to be discussed during intake). The rest of the day is spent working outside with the horses. All interactions with horses happen in small groups to give everyone the opportunity to 'experience' themselves. The program looks like this:

9:00 - Welcome and coffee
9:30 - Theory: Learning about Horses and their Language
11:00 - Practice: Trust and Respect in dealing with Horses

12:30 - Sandwich meal and soup
13:00 - Theory: Personal Leadership, Authenticity and Energy Management
14:30 - Practice: Leadership that leads to Connection
16:00 - Individual takeaways from the workshop
16:30 - End

A Horse Act instructor is foreseen for each group of 3-4 participants. Safety of guests and horses always comes first. Catering is provided as discussed.

Horse Act organizes these team building activities inhouse or together with coaching organizations tailored to their business clients. We make our unique location with its facilities, our horse coaches, our creativity and our enthusiasm fully available.

Coaching met paarden

A unique and authentic location

Our 'quiet farm' Hof ​​van 't Rommersum appeals to everyone's imagination and is more contemporary than ever. People long for basics, authenticity and, above all, want to restore contact with Mother Nature. People want to feel again.

Our infrastructure is authentic, inspiring and guarantees a unique experience. At our location of > 2 hectares we have a meeting room for 10 people, a gypsy wagon for indoor sessions for up to 6 people, several walking parks with tracks, meadows, an outdoor track, the Rommersum Café, an extensive outdoor terrace and sufficient parking available. There are whiteboards everywhere for brainstorming sessions or a short standup meeting.

Silence and tranquility are omnipresent. Participants appreciate the grazing of horses, the chirping of birds and the occasional walker in the distance.

Are you ready to experience the power of team building with horses? Contact Horse Act today and discover how our events can transform your team. Together we build a stronger, closer and more successful team! Our instructors and horses together ensure an unforgettable day.

Coaching met paarden

Where the magic happens

Sarah – Manager from Diest

“The power of horses has given me more insight into my own strength, which was hidden under many layers of thinking, instead of feeling. It also helped me gain more confidence in dealing with these big gentle giants. And with it more confidence in life and everything that presents itself. Working with horses in this way, in such a beautiful place, is extremely valuable and unique!” 

Koen - entrepreneur Kempen

“Why did Oya, that beautiful pregnant mare, stand with her head against my head? And why did Ucardo do exactly the same thing? Why, during another session, did two young stallions chase us away from under the walnut tree where we were reasoning? Because I was in my head too much. Literal. When I went back to feeling and let the feeling speak from my stomach, Diamond suddenly appeared. He came to say it was okay and went straight to my stomach. Magic. It brings tears to my eyes again. Thank you Ilse and the horses of Rommersum. A reborn coachee, Koen”

Annick - lawyer Brussels

“I have already followed various coaching programs, but that was not horse coaching. With Ilse I was really surprised by her approach. Everything has been very well thought out from start to finish. The beautiful surroundings are an oasis of peace, back to basics! For me, who lives in the center of Brussels, this is truly an incredible relief. I will definitely come back.”


“Dear Ilse,
Coaching means going into depth. But it's so nice to give each other feedback in the middle of the horses. Forget everything for a moment and pay attention to yourself. And pay attention to pain points, to allow them to surface and release without too much pain. Indeed in a place in the here and now. Realizing that we are all perfectly fine. We can be there. Thank you. I return home with a warm feeling and a broad smile. Grateful and full of love. Love Marijke”

Sigrid - architect Dendermonde

“During the sessions I came to the following realization: we all have horsepower within us. You will be guided to that power with great enthusiasm. I realize that I
was very much on my mind before, all the time actually. But during the sessions I was quietly invited to witness that horsepower, to embrace it…  Fear gives way to confidence. How beautiful how the exercises with the horses are a great metaphor for what is happening deep within me. The area is the ideal setting. Very natural and you immediately feel at home, not judged and without expectations. Everything is OK. Rommersum, they are the right people in the right place

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Address Location
Hof van 't Rommersum
Kruisveldstraat 2
3440 Zoutleeuw

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