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Career Coaching

"36% of Flemish employees and 38% of the self-employed experience severe work stress as a result of burnout and bore-out."

Notice that you're often tired and burned out at work? Or are you stuck in a rut, secretly bored out of your mind? You might be heading towards a burnout or bore-out. Both exhibit similar symptoms but have different causes.

A burnout results from overwork, while a bore-out is caused by underload and lack of challenge. Both situations can lead to severe work stress and negatively impact your health, mental well-being, and work performance.

Preventing such problems is crucial for employers, employees, and self-employed individuals alike. Work quality is the most important factor for sustainable job satisfaction. Career coaching offers an effective and preventive measure.

Career coaching offers an effective and preventive measure. In Flanders, all employees and self-employed individuals are entitled to 7 hours of career coaching every 6 years. The cost is only 90 euros for 7 hours of individual coaching.  

Yes, with horses!

Career coaching with horses is a safe way to map out and (re)evaluate what truly makes your employees happy, together with these special animals. Christa Poosen, our trained career and horse coach, will guide you to explore your passions, talents, and forgotten goals. We pay attention to energy management, setting boundaries, and finding a healthy balance between work and private life. Contact us, nothing to lose!

Working with horses helps you gain insight into your personal strengths and weaknesses. This makes a very positive contribution to your motivation and job satisfaction.

A better understanding of your personal energy drains will help you function better in your work environment. It helps to prevent burnout or bore-out and improves your overall mental well-being.

It is suitable for all employees or self-employed individuals, regardless of status, function, or background. All that is needed is an open attitude and a willingness to learn. It is a unique and effective way of coaching where nature, the horse, and personal development are central.

Contact our career coach for more information about our approach. Together, we will work towards a sustainable and fulfilling career.

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Hof van 't Rommersum
Kruisveldstraat 2
3440 Zoutleeuw

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