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Clinic - the Horse & the Human

The Horse & The Human

Do you want to learn more about horses and their natural behavior? What does the horse show you and how can you understand their language better? Interaction with horses can be intense. Learn to deal with the “challenges” that horses give us.

During this training we pay attention to this and, by gaining a lot of practical experience with many different horses, we learn how we can improve and optimize the relationship between people and horses. This course is aimed at improving the well-being of both horses and humans. The program includes the following modules:

  • Language of the horse: What does the horse tell you and how do you ensure that you understand each other better? How do horses communicate among themselves? How do they communicate with people? How do we connect with horses? We delve deeper into horses' senses, energetic body language and how they use them.

  • Groundwork training methods: This aspect is included in both learning theory and practice. We discuss various training methods. Loosening and working with rope. Working with obstacles and connecting. In any case, this facet runs as a common thread throughout all teaching days.
  • Fear, stress and safety: What does stress do to horses? How do we/they deal with tension? In practice you will learn how to help horses deal with their fears? We will discuss various shock training in more detail. What is the best way to offer exciting objects and what is the most effective way of training? Safety aspects for people and horses are an important topic during all practical training.

  • General needs: We take a closer look at the nutritional needs of a horse. What are the consequences of incorrect nutrition and how do we find the right feed management? But we also discuss all horse needs such as housing, exercise, safety, reproduction and social contact.

  • Personality types for horses: Introverts and extroverts. Which horse needs which form of training? You will learn to recognize different aspects of horse characters and understand how you can adapt your training for this. We practice this by working with ten different horses.

  • The Horse as our teacher: How do horses think and what can we learn from them. Personal leadership, energy management, awareness. Horses work and live harmoniously in a herd. Respect and trust, that is the essence. Horses are not only majestic animals, they are also perfect teachers who hold up a huge mirror to us. We as people can learn a lot from this. It brings us into balance ourselves.

  • The horse as co-coach: During coaching with horses, the horse is used as a co-coach and mirror throughout the guidance process. It is an experience-oriented approach in which the horse's feedback is central to promoting personal and professional growth. What do horses actually tell us? How do we decode their feedback? How to use the horse optimally during a session? Which coaching models are the basis? Which exercises result from this?

  • Stress regulation and trauma: How to regulate stress in yourself and others in the presence of horses? What is the impact of heart coherence? How do trauma and depression work? What does emotional processing mean? How can horses help us with this?

  • Systemic work with horses: Learn to understand why we encounter the same challenges over and over again? What are the similarities between different systems? What mechanisms are behind this? Do you see the deeper patterns?

  • Familiy dynamics with horses: Horses allow deep blockages and old patterns to finally be broken through during constellation work. How do setups work? How are representatives set up? What happens in the field? What does the wisdom of nature teach us? The horses sympathize and show us when the setup is correct. They see connections between representatives and show us the healing movement.
  • Fear, stress and safety: What does stress do to horses? How do we/they deal with tension? In practice you will learn how to help horses deal with their fears? We will discuss various shock training in more detail. What is the best way to offer exciting objects and what is the most effective way of training? Safety aspects for people and horses are an important topic during all practical training.

  • General needs: We take a closer look at the nutritional needs of a horse. What are the consequences of incorrect nutrition and how do we find the right feed management? But we also discuss all horse needs such as housing, exercise, safety, reproduction and social contact.

  • Personality types for horses: Introverts and extroverts. Which horse needs which form of training? You will learn to recognize different aspects of horse characters and understand how you can adapt your training for this. We practice this by working with ten different horses.

  • The Horse as our teacher: How do horses think and what can we learn from them. Personal leadership, energy management, awareness. Horses work and live harmoniously in a herd. Respect and trust, that is the essence. Horses are not only majestic animals, they are also perfect teachers who hold up a huge mirror to us. We as people can learn a lot from this. It brings us into balance ourselves.
Coaching met paarden

Enroll now

Do you want to learn but also share your experience and knowledge? Then register for this modular Clinic 'the Horse & the Human'. Training days are:

    CLINIC 1: June - November

    June 9
    - Language of the horse
    June 30 - Groundwork training methods, anxiety, stress and security
    August 4 - Horse needs, horse personality types
    September 8 - The horse as co-coach, coaching models, reading feedback
    October 4 - Stress regulation, dealing with trauma, extreme feedback
    November 8 - Systemic work with horses, family dynamics

    CLINIC 2: September - April

    September 20- Language of the horse
    Octover 25
     - Groundwork training methods, anxiety, stress and security
    November 29 - Horse needs, horse personality types
    January 10 - The horse as co-coach, coaching models, reading feedback
    February 21 - Stress regulation, dealing with trauma, extreme feedback
    March 31 - Systemic work with horses, family dynamics

    Additional information:

    • Program with 6 following modules (theory/practice)
    • 1 training day per month from 9am to 4pm
    • In a group of max 5 participants
    • Location: Stiltehoeve Hof van 't Rommersum
    • Price per person: € 1,200 (amount excl. VAT for companies)
      • 2 modules: € 600 
      • 4 modules: € 1.000 
      • 6 modules: € 1.200 

    Koen - entrepreneur Kempen

    “Why did Oya, that beautiful pregnant mare, stand with her head against my head? And why did Ucardo do exactly the same thing? Why, during another session, did two young stallions chase us away from under the walnut tree where we were reasoning? Because I was in my head too much. Literal. When I went back to feeling and let the feeling speak from my stomach, Diamond suddenly appeared. He came to say it was okay and went straight to my stomach. Magic. It brings tears to my eyes again. Thank you Ilse and the horses of Rommersum. A reborn coachee, Koen”

    Annick - lawyer Brussels

    “I have already followed various coaching programs, but that was not horse coaching. With Ilse I was really surprised by her approach. Everything has been very well thought out from start to finish. The beautiful surroundings are an oasis of peace, back to basics! For me, who lives in the center of Brussels, this is truly an incredible relief. I will definitely come back.”

    Sigrid - architect Dendermonde

    “During the sessions I came to the following realization: we all have horsepower within us. You will be guided to that power with great enthusiasm. I realize that I
    was very much on my mind before, all the time actually. But during the sessions I was quietly invited to witness that horsepower, to embrace it…  Fear gives way to confidence. How beautiful how the exercises with the horses are a great metaphor for what is happening deep within me. The area is the ideal setting. Very natural and you immediately feel at home, not judged and without expectations. Everything is OK. Rommersum, they are the right people in the right place


    “Dear Ilse,
    Coaching means going into depth. But it's so nice to give each other feedback in the middle of the horses. Forget everything for a moment and pay attention to yourself. And pay attention to pain points, to allow them to surface and release without too much pain. Indeed in a place in the here and now. Realizing that we are all perfectly fine. We can be there. Thank you. I return home with a warm feeling and a broad smile. Grateful and full of love. Love Marijke”

    Sarah – Manager from Diest

    “The power of horses has given me more insight into my own strength, which was hidden under many layers of thinking, instead of feeling. It also helped me gain more confidence in dealing with these big gentle giants. And with it more confidence in life and everything that presents itself. Working with horses in this way, in such a beautiful place, is extremely valuable and unique!” 

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    3440 Zoutleeuw

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