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Horses know better

During our lifetime, we all experience pain; no one is spared. However, the way we handle it can vary greatly. In Horses Know Better, author Ilse Melotte explains how these animals can help us map out our own identity and guide us toward a fulfilling life.

Over the centuries, these majestic animals have developed survival strategies from which humans can also draw great wisdom. They provide us with insights that make us stronger within our human herd systems, both at home and at work. Together with the horses – at a walk, trot, or gallop – we embark on new, better paths.

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  • Release Date: September 30, 2024
  • Price: €25.99 incl. VAT
  • Publisher: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

What to Expect:

  • Ancient Wisdom: Learn how horses communicate and function within their herd and discover how these natural dynamics provide valuable lessons for our daily lives.
  • Personal Growth: Find out how the wisdom of horses can contribute to your own personal development and leadership.
  • Practical Exercises: Experience concrete tips and exercises to strengthen your connection with yourself and others by applying the lessons learned from the horses.
  • Unique Photography: All the images in this beautifully illustrated book were taken at Hof van 't Rommersum, the silent farm, and feature the horses of Horse Act, the true authors of this book.

Our Mission? Growing and learning with horses. Horse Act guides teams and individuals towards more balance, connection, and better performance.

ebook - The Silent Language

What can people learn from horses about leadership, authenticity and energy management?

  • Imagine if your life was running smoothly and you could be more efficient but also effective in what you did. That you could be more economical in your personal energy management and no longer experience the feeling of being lived. That you would find internal peace.
  • Imagine if you could be 100% yourself, powerful in difficult situations, beyond the fear of negative 'judgment' or the fear of hurting others. Beyond irrational expectations of family or friends and especially beyond your self-imposed limitations.
  • Imagine if you could live your truth and hold on to that feeling of confidence. That you could make your unique contribution to this world based on the conviction that you are good and are doing well. That you could fully commit to what is really important to you, at work but also at home.

That is what this booklet is about. To better understand the lessons of horses, we first zoom in on the experience of horses and then build the bridge to our human being. Because we can (still) learn a lot from these beautiful noble animals.

ebook - Horsepower

A horse is a flight animal and  will never waste unnecessary energy, but it does respond to the slightest change in environmental energy. And that is how horses communicate with each other: with energetic 'pressure'.

We use this sensitivity when learning with horses. Our energetic appearance is driven by feelings, thoughts and subconscious beliefs. By mirroring your behavior, the horse provides feedback and you will find answers to the following questions:

  • How does someone else see me? What do I radiate?
  • What are my qualities? And my blind spots?
  • How does my energy management work, where are my losses?
  • What is my energetic field - its nature, functioning and power?
  • What is my energetic blueprint?
  • How can I harness that horsepower within me? What's holding me back? And why ?
  • How to live more intuitively and spend less time in my head?

So we get to know ourselves better based on the energy spectrum. And that leaves impressions that we will not soon forget!

ebook - Horsepower

Many take the path of personal growth... and don't give up when the going gets tough and really painful. They are go-getters, researchers. And after the workings of our energies become clear and hindering beliefs have been thrown overboard, we all end up with those same questions. Who am I? What is my objective? What does meaning mean to me? What really drives me in this life. How do I, as part of this great universe, become a better person and what can my contribution be?

Horses are a catalyst in this. They show us what this means. They really let us feel what that essence is and thus help us find answers to the following questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What am I doing here?
  • What is my real purpose?
  • What is meaningful living for me?
  • How can I live more from that essence and what do I need for that?
  • How can I hold on to this feeling of bliss?
  • How can I further develop myself in this and still remain firmly grounded in life?

We get to know ourselves even further and we feel even more deeply. Because here we arrive at universal wisdom. That knowledge that the intellect cannot reach and that we do not learn at school. But whoever reactivates this wisdom (because it is present in everyone) will live a fulfilling life. Always.

The Italian Oak

Professor Gabriele Conti has been deeply immersed in psychiatric research since the death of his wife. Emergency doctor Monica Carlini is slowly burning out from a life spent in the service of others. After a burnout, Englishwoman Lisa Roberts opens her own dating agency in Milan. Three individuals, one quest.

Fate brings them together on a trek along the Via Francigena, an ancient pilgrimage route through Italy. Under a majestic oak tree in Lucca, something extraordinary happens...

The Italian Oak is an informative novel about love, meaning, and the invisible world around us.

“This book suggests that sooner or later, everyone has to cope with their fears and face personal limits in order to resolve them and ultimately meet their essence. In addition, the author’s opinion is that love may be both the goal and the instrument to deeply transform individuals and their lives, providing authentic joy.”

Professor of Psychiatry Donatella Marazziti, University of Pisa.


“Dear Ilse,
Coaching means going into depth. But it's so nice to give each other feedback in the middle of the horses. Forget everything for a moment and pay attention to yourself. And pay attention to pain points, to allow them to surface and release without too much pain. Indeed in a place in the here and now. Realizing that we are all perfectly fine. We can be there. Thank you. I return home with a warm feeling and a broad smile. Grateful and full of love. Love Marijke”

Bart from Tessenderlo

“My horse was too old to go on a competition. Until I have attended the workshop groundwork. I didn’t know there could be so much interaction between her and me. The horses of the Rommersum are darling. It was a very interesting course. “O it is “

Sarah – Manager from Diest

“The power of horses has given me more insight into my own strength, which was hidden under many layers of thinking, instead of feeling. It also helped me gain more confidence in dealing with these big gentle giants. And with it more confidence in life and everything that presents itself. Working with horses in this way, in such a beautiful place, is extremely valuable and unique!” 

Annick - lawyer Brussels

“I have already followed various coaching programs, but that was not horse coaching. With Ilse I was really surprised by her approach. Everything has been very well thought out from start to finish. The beautiful surroundings are an oasis of peace, back to basics! For me, who lives in the center of Brussels, this is truly an incredible relief. I will definitely come back.”

Ingrid from Herent

“ My motivation at work was completely gone. I have a tendency to make myself small. The workshop made me better understand the importance of good communication. I now feel stronger and I dare to speak my mind. Yes, this also improves the bond with colleagues. It was a nice day. Thanks Rommersum, Ingrid. ”

Naomi - daughter from Bornem

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful horse workshop you organized for my mother's birthday. It was a truly fantastic experience for her and she thoroughly enjoyed it.

The fact that the workshop not only included riding, but also taking the horse from the pasture and brushing it made it really special. My mother loved having such direct interaction with the horses and feeling more connected to these beautiful animals.”


“My horse was getting too old to compete anymore. Until I attended the groundwork workshop. Really cool, I didn't know there could be so much interaction between her and me. The horses of Rommersum are sweethearts. It was a very interesting course. ”


“I received the booklet and the workshop The Silent Language as a gift from my wife and I really thought this was not for me. I like to see horses, from a distance. But the theory was interesting. It took a moment to pause and understand how things work... and then applying this to the horses was great. Each participant at their own pace. I thought that was well done. It was an exciting day that flew by quickly. Ilse is a good hostess who delivers the workshop professionally. Recommended. Ivo”

Sigrid - architect Dendermonde

“During the sessions I came to the following realization: we all have horsepower within us. You will be guided to that power with great enthusiasm. I realize that I
was very much on my mind before, all the time actually. But during the sessions I was quietly invited to witness that horsepower, to embrace it…  Fear gives way to confidence. How beautiful how the exercises with the horses are a great metaphor for what is happening deep within me. The area is the ideal setting. Very natural and you immediately feel at home, not judged and without expectations. Everything is OK. Rommersum, they are the right people in the right place

Eline from Wellen

“I followed the leadership workshop and first I thought: how can horses help? But what an experience! Those horses really show how to use leadership, without feeling bad for them. I will definitely take this to our company. Thanks Ilse for the nice explanation. “

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