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Personal development with horses

When did you feel most appreciated, stimulated and motivated? When did you feel connected to your environment, did you live in that positive atmosphere we call flow? Trust and respect are the most important conditions for a strong life. But as humans we have our blind spots and we exhibit compensatory behavior (e.g. overly controlling, avoidant, anxious, etc.).  

Life therefore offers us the perfect challenges to learn from. The coach takes you through this awareness process and guides you on your personal journey to the better ME that resides within you. Horses can play an accelerating role in this.

A horse is a prey animal, always alert. Moreover, horses are herd animals. A horse is dependent on the herd for its survival and that is why horses take good care of each other. A horse will immediately notice if things are not going well with another member of the herd. These qualities make a horse very useful during coaching sessions. They are a big mirror and at the same time challenge you on a number of important qualities, in which they are masters themselves. 

Why do we experience horses not only as beautiful creatures, but also as wise teachers? We try to approach the mysterious ways in which horses and people bring out the best, the highest and the most powerful in each other.

Learning with horses is unique

Horses are 100% honest, 100% of the time. It does not matter who you are. They always provide new opportunities to do well. Without judgement. They teach us to be present, honest, clear and involved.

Horses can perfectly reflect human moods, and just because they are horses, they do not judge or react the way humans often do. Our bond with the horse helps develop self-awareness and promotes emotional recovery. We offer the opportunity to have this special encounter with our horses under supervision.

Absolutely no horse experience is required. All interactions with horses happen from the ground. There is no driving. The horses from our herd that participate during the sessions are chosen based on their specific personalities. And that varies per session. Safety always comes first.

We organize introductory sessions and coaching programs. Because anyway, working with horses leaves no one cold.
Coaching met paarden


“Dear Ilse,
Coaching means going into depth. But it's so nice to give each other feedback in the middle of the horses. Forget everything for a moment and pay attention to yourself. And pay attention to pain points, to allow them to surface and release without too much pain. Indeed in a place in the here and now. Realizing that we are all perfectly fine. We can be there. Thank you. I return home with a warm feeling and a broad smile. Grateful and full of love. Love Marijke”

Koen - entrepreneur Kempen

“Why did Oya, that beautiful pregnant mare, stand with her head against my head? And why did Ucardo do exactly the same thing? Why, during another session, did two young stallions chase us away from under the walnut tree where we were reasoning? Because I was in my head too much. Literal. When I went back to feeling and let the feeling speak from my stomach, Diamond suddenly appeared. He came to say it was okay and went straight to my stomach. Magic. It brings tears to my eyes again. Thank you Ilse and the horses of Rommersum. A reborn coachee, Koen”

Annick - lawyer Brussels

“I have already followed various coaching programs, but that was not horse coaching. With Ilse I was really surprised by her approach. Everything has been very well thought out from start to finish. The beautiful surroundings are an oasis of peace, back to basics! For me, who lives in the center of Brussels, this is truly an incredible relief. I will definitely come back.”

Sigrid - architect Dendermonde

“During the sessions I came to the following realization: we all have horsepower within us. You will be guided to that power with great enthusiasm. I realize that I
was very much on my mind before, all the time actually. But during the sessions I was quietly invited to witness that horsepower, to embrace it…  Fear gives way to confidence. How beautiful how the exercises with the horses are a great metaphor for what is happening deep within me. The area is the ideal setting. Very natural and you immediately feel at home, not judged and without expectations. Everything is OK. Rommersum, they are the right people in the right place

Sarah – Manager from Diest

“The power of horses has given me more insight into my own strength, which was hidden under many layers of thinking, instead of feeling. It also helped me gain more confidence in dealing with these big gentle giants. And with it more confidence in life and everything that presents itself. Working with horses in this way, in such a beautiful place, is extremely valuable and unique!” 

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Hof van 't Rommersum
Kruisveldstraat 2
3440 Zoutleeuw

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