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In addition to B2B Workshops and Team Buildings, Horse Act also organizes Open Workshops . These are activities for which individual participants can register. You can find all information by clicking further on the agenda item.   

👉🏽   You can register here or via the workshop pagePlease remember that upon registration  you accept  our Terms and Conditions After registration we will contact you for further coordination and explanation.

Clinic - the Horse & the Human

Clinic 1: June to November - 6 modular days from 9 am to 4 pm
Clinic 2: September to April - 6 modular days from 9 am to 4 pm

Do you want to learn more about horses and their natural behavior? What does the horse show you and how can you understand their language better? Dealing with horses can be intense. Learn to deal with  the “challenges” that horses give us.  During this training we pay attention to this and, by gaining a lot of practical experience with many different horses, we learn how we can improve and optimize the relationship between people and horses. This course is aimed at improving the well-being of both horses and humans.

All information can be found here
Workshop - Identity

Fri Sep 20, 2024 - from 9am to 4pm

In this workshop we continue our search for our own Identity. Horses show us that true identity only reveals itself when limiting beliefs are released and Freedom and Tolerance are developed. Horses are the ultimate teachers. This training is focused on practice, i.e. experiencing it yourself. Anchoring with horses ensures that you also take the insights you gain into your daily life.

All information can be found here
Clinic with Alyssa Pellei

 Sat/Sun Oct 5 and 6, 2024 - from 9.30am to 4.30pm

Alyssa Olivia Pellei is celebrated worldwide for her stunning equine art and her exceptional skills in free dressage. Her unique approach to training and her deep connection with horses have inspired countless equestrians to explore new ways of interacting with their equine partners. This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a true master in the field.

Alyssa will be coming to Belgium for an exclusive two-day clinic at Horse Act on Oct 5 and 6, 2024.

All information can be found here
Workshop - Identity

Fri November 15, 2024 - from 9am to 4pm

In this workshop we continue our search for our own Identity. Horses show us that true identity only reveals itself when limiting beliefs are released and Freedom and Tolerance are developed. Horses are the ultimate teachers. This training is focused on practice, i.e. experiencing it yourself. Anchoring with horses ensures that you also take the insights you gain into your daily life.

All information can be found here
Workshop - The Silent Language

Fri November 22, 2024 - from 9am to 4pm

In this workshop you will experience how horses deal with Leadership, Authenticity and Energy Management. Very pragmatic and with a focus on practice, i.e. feeling it. This way you can also take the insights you gain into your daily life.

All information can be found here
Workshop – Horsepower

Fri January 10, 202 - from 9am to 4pm

In this workshop you will experience what we can learn from horses about energy management and optimization, which in turn leads to more inner peace. Very pragmatic and with a focus on practice, i.e. feeling it. This way you can also take the insights you gain into your daily life.

All information can be found here

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Hof van 't Rommersum
Kruisveldstraat 2
3440 Zoutleeuw

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