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High sensitivity in the working environment

Perhaps you have not yet heard about the concept of high sensitivity or you are not yet sure whether you are really an HSP ("highly Sensitive Person"). But you still notice that you are different or react differently to certain situations. 

Do you feel irritation at work? Are you completely exhausted by noon? Maybe you experience problems with the workload. More and more people describe themselves as highly sensitive and this is actually confirmed. Statistics speak of 15-20% highly sensitive or highly sensitive people.

What are the characteristics: People complain of inexplicable fatigue, tension, being overwhelmed, etc. They cannot (always) cope with the noise and fast pace of our (work) society and often have physical and/or psychosomatic complaints as a result of overstimulation and too much stress such as stomach pain, intestinal complaints, headaches, viruses and strange sensations of discomfort. HSPs struggle with a sense of vulnerability and do not take life lightly. A pitfall is that as an HSP you lose yourself in your sense of responsibility and perfectionism.

“I feel different and have never understood why. I have often had the feeling of not belonging here and of being in the wrong job, but even when I changed jobs, the feeling haunted me. I feel like an outsider who is not understood and accepted. Work and life in general are quite difficult for me.” 

But high sensitivity is certainly also a quality. HSPs have a rich, inner world of experience and like depth. Highly sensitive people are psychologically more sensitive than the average person and feel a strong connection with other people. They are sensitive to beauty, especially that of nature, they are empathetic and have a rich imagination. They are often sought out by those around them in case of problems.

High sensitivity at work

Since highly sensitive people have great empathy, they are also particularly sensitive to the working atmosphere. When you, as an HSP, have the feeling of being seen and recognized for your qualities, the atmosphere is positive and you get energy. But if that is not the case, then working costs you (too) much energy. This can be the result of a cold working environment, group formation or even pressing plants.

Highly sensitive people often have difficulty drawing boundaries and have a harder time saying no. Moreover, they do not always find it easy to distinguish between their own emotions and those of colleagues. They may be stressed or angry. It is important to be aware of this characteristic. After all, if your nervous system does not get enough rest and is overloaded too often and for too long, this can lead to burnout in the long term.

Do you recognize yourself? Then don't give up and get in touch.

Horse coaching can help you to: 
- Recognize HSP;
- Become aware of the effect it has on you;
- You have to view your HSP differently, accept it and use it as a strength.

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