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Energy in Balance

Your energy balance, you are responsible for it yourself. But what does that actually mean, having your energy in balance? You experience that you have sufficient mental stamina and you can work with concentration. You radiate enthusiasm and resilience. You have sufficient resilience in the event of setbacks. You quickly get back on your feet when things don't go your way.

Taking responsibility for your own energy management also means knowing your needs and limits. Your  need for rest is  very important. A disturbed energy balance always makes you feel rushed. You are  demanding and set the bar too high for yourself . You feel responsible for everything, you are over-involved and you have difficulty dealing with boundaries.  

Those around you also notice this: You are more irritable or irritated. You get physical complaints: neck pain, migraine, headache, back pain, etc. In short, you are through it and you become overloaded. There is then an imbalance between head and heart. They no longer speak to each other. Getting a disturbed energy balance back into balance is not easy. More is needed than physical rest. You have to bring your head and heart back into alignment, so that they work together and take control of your life 'in connection'.

What can we do about this? That's called awareness. The process starts with becoming aware of your own energy flows. Do you have insight into the activities that cost you energy or generate energy? Do you know your  own energy leaks ? What relaxes you? Are there any problems or conflicts you are dealing with? Or are there addictions that rely on your energy management? Perhaps there are people around you who are draining you 'energetically'?

Manage your energy, not your time.  

Time is limited. Energy is unlimited, but you can use your energy incorrectly. Energy consumption can be compared to money. If you have money, you can spend it. Otherwise not. If you spend money when you don't have it, you end up in the red and as everyone knows, being overdrawn costs money. This also works for energy. To survive you need, on average, to have more energy than you expend.

Physical reactions and subsequently emotions are excellent signals regarding the situation of your energy management. Emotions can go in two directions: positive or negative emotions. Feelings arise from rationalization of those emotions. Or put differently: our brain gives meaning to our emotions and that is how feelings arise. Emotions are therefore the intermediate step between physical reactions and feelings... which ultimately lead to thoughts and ultimately a certain behavior.

These steps:  physical reactions => emotions => feelings => thoughts  => behavior  influence each other. Together they are expressed in the behavior that someone shows. If someone needs to change his/her behavior, something needs to be adjusted in one of these steps. That is not that simple because we get stuck in recurring patterns and irrational beliefs about our own functioning. A coach can help you, as an outsider, to look objectively at these chain reactions.

Energy coaching with horses?

The vibrations of our energy field (our auras and chakras) are sensed by horses. Horses can help us reset the balance in these systems. This allows us to express ourselves emotionally, which can speed up the body's recovery. We release (un)conscious blockages. Reduce stress, anxiety and lethargy. Can heal emotional and mental problems. Yes, also homesick and sad.

Energy blockages arise because certain emotions or feelings have not been fully processed. The negative energy that releases these feelings or emotions is stored in the deep cells and can cause an energy blockage over time. We also call this phenomenon 'pain body'. Negative emotions settle somewhere in our body and eventually a condition manifests itself there.

Horses are like sponges: they are sweet, soft and open emotional animals that easily read or sense our human feelings, reactions and thoughts. Many physical, emotional or mental complaints can be traced back to an energy blockage. Horses can serve as a mirror and show you what is out of balance. They indicate what you can focus on. Beautiful, isn't it?

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