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In our daily lives, we are often confronted with challenges, obstacles, or even trauma that sometimes push us into a state of "survival." We react to triggers without truly considering the impact of our responses. This survival mode helps us get through difficult moments, but it can leave us with feelings of shame, regret, or dissatisfaction with who we were in those moments. It’s important to realize that we don’t have to hold onto these feelings. It’s okay to forgive yourself for who you were when you were simply trying to survive.

At Horse Act, we work with horses to help guide us on this journey of self-forgiveness and personal growth. Horses are masters at living in the present and responding purely to energy, without judgment. They remind us that every moment is new and that we can allow ourselves the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us, what is no longer needed.

When we’re in survival mode, we often act out of fear or powerlessness. Perhaps we’re harder on others or ourselves than we’d like to be. Maybe we avoid situations or people because they confront us with our weaknesses. These reactions stem from the instinct to protect ourselves. But once the storm has passed, we are often left with an internal whirlwind of self-criticism and guilt. And that’s where the process of self-forgiveness begins.

Forgiveness through Awareness

Self-forgiveness begins with awareness. Acknowledging that you were in survival mode and that you reacted from a place of protection and instinct. This doesn’t mean you approve of your actions, but rather that you recognize that you did the best you could with the resources you had at the time. The horses invite us to look deep within ourselves, without judgment, and create the space to forgive.

Forgiveness through Connection

Another essential aspect of self-forgiveness is connection. Connection with yourself, but also with the world around you. Horses live in herds and are constantly balancing their energy within the group. They teach us that true strength comes from our ability to feel connected, even in the most challenging times. When we reconnect with ourselves and our past, we can begin to heal the parts of ourselves we have hidden away.

Forgiveness as Freedom

The most important thing that self-forgiveness offers us is freedom. When we allow ourselves to forgive, we release the chains of guilt and regret that hold us back in the past. We open ourselves up to new possibilities, new insights, and new paths to personal growth. Horses, more than any other creature, teach us that freedom exists in the present moment. Just as a horse doesn’t hold onto what happened yesterday, we can free ourselves from the burdens of the past.

Forgiving isn’t a one-time event, it’s a process. It requires courage, patience, and self-love. At Horse Act, we invite you to join our horses on this journey of self-forgiveness. Forgive yourself for who you were in survival mode, and make room for who you want to be in your true strength.

Would you like to learn more about how horses can guide you on this path of self-forgiveness and personal growth? Visit our website and contact us for a personal introduction.


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