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the horsecoach

✨🐴✨ “When people come to Horse Act for a workshop or coaching session, I quickly sense how the activities will unfold. I observe the participants and feel which energy is dominant. I notice it in their overall posture, gaze, choice of words, aura, manner of movement, how they enter and sit down, and so forth. Our non-verbal communication never lies, and inauthentic individuals are easily revealed. As a coach, I'm trained to detect these nuances, but I'm still amazed by how the energies of humans and horses interact, either amplifying, clashing, or neutralizing during the session.

We work with more than ten different horses, each with their own character, age, and background. It's always fascinating to witness the energetic interplay that inevitably unfolds. Most sessions, I let the coachee choose which horse to work with, but sometimes I deliberately select a less harmonious combination of human and horse, simply because the coachee is ready to take a new step in their process. I also take environmental factors into account, as they greatly influence how the session will proceed.

I remember a woman with a pronounced Yin energy. When I asked her to lead our sweet and pregnant mare Feliz around the paddock without touching her, she beamed with delight. It came easily to her, and Feliz followed her as if they had known each other for years. But when I asked her to drive Feliz into a trot along the track without touching her, she started to cry. She completely froze and said she could never treat this sweet pregnant horse in such a way. Leading the horse, she did with so much gentleness and love, but the thought of driving her was unbearable.

This moment reminded me of the power of working with horses and people. The session revealed something deeper within her - a boundary, a block that she might also encounter in her daily life. It gave us the opportunity to explore, understand, and eventually overcome it.

The energetic interplay between humans and horses is a wondrous phenomenon. It requires us to be present and authentic, to listen to the subtle signals of the horse and our own emotions. Working with horses at Horse Act remains a source of wonder, and it is an honor to witness the transformations that unfold in these silent interactions.” 😇

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🐴 In the photo: Our sweet pregnant mare Dance and her great friend Umbro from ’t Rommersum.

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