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Everyone is looking for Purpose

In a world where material wealth and social status were once highly valued, we are slowly seeing a shift occur. Both companies as individuals today strive for something beyond:  a higher purpose, a deeper meaning, a purpose. We are in a time of collective collaboration. Our society is making an energy leap. Amazing, right?

The pursuit of these 'new' values ​​indirectly arises from the fact that our well-being can no longer depend on external circumstances, on what the ego wants, but on something intrinsic that drives us. We can't put our hands on it yet (and we control freaks love to do that), but we feel that there is more, that it is in each of us and that it cries out to be heard. Very simply put: it is the call of the soul. Our own soul, the soul of society, the soul of mother earth.

The search for Purpose in the business world

The rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the beginning of this millennium marked the start of a new era, a change of pace in the business world - an approach that is no longer solely focused on profit maximization, but also on creating a positive impact on society and the environment. Nowadays, almost every healthy company has an 'ESG department' that focuses on Purpose, Planet, Culture and so on. That is beautiful!

This shift is being taken over by a new generation of employees who value meaningful work and making a positive contribution to the world more than having heavy obligations and a cool title. We point to the older generations with their substandard work ethic, but they are the 'engine of change', they will turn the tide.

Companies that are not on board with the new train will see their performance go downhill. Yes, the company is in decline. This search for Purpose comes with much and painful slog, because it is a (re)invention of our identity. The caterpillar wants to become a butterfly, but must first die off a bit and throw old beliefs overboard before the transformation can take place. The new business phoenix does not simply rise from the ashes. Covid-19 was just the scaling up of this transformation into high gear.

The search for Purpose on an individual level

But we also see a similar trend at the individual level. People experience a deep desire for meaning and fulfillment, regardless of superficial measures of success. Covid-19 seems forgotten, but its impact is unprecedented. The pandemic has only reinforced this need for meaning, by confronting us with our own vulnerability and the transience of material things. We feel that fleeting moments of happiness are no longer enough to fulfill us, and that true satisfaction is found in serving a higher purpose. Whatever that may be. It is striking how many coachees register with the question: I am looking for my real mission. People are really searching. The trouser suit from the past no longer fits, but where is it in the wardrobe?

Contact with horses offers a powerful way to help us in this quest. As sensitive and intuitive beings, horses act as mirrors of our inner world. They invite us to reflect on our vulnerability and to deal with the restless feelings that sometimes arise. They give it a face, a meaning. When dealing with horses we learn to let go of our ego and listen to what life whispers to us. It is a matter of silence, because our own soul has all the answers.

The gateway to finding that New Mission

Ultimately, the gateway to finding our purpose lies within ourselves. It is an energy field called alignment, a space of movement where intuition and reason work together and strengthen each other. It is a place beyond fear, approval and limiting beliefs. By standing still and listening to the voice of our soul, we can find the way to a truly fulfilling life. It's a journey that requires courage and vulnerability, but for those who dare to take on the challenge, unprecedented fulfillment lies ahead.

In a world that increasingly demands authenticity and connection, horses are our guides on the path to self-discovery and purpose. They help us learn to trust our intuition, connect with our deeper emotions and find our true mission.

No Race anymore

Everyone follows their own pace and it couldn't be faster. It's not a race anymore. It means pulling together towards a better and healthy society, where every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference.

But we must also respect those who are not ready, those who are on the bandwagon or those who 'oppose'. Because no one is left behind, the collective takes care of that. And it is thanks to these 'resistances' that we have to make a start, make ourselves really strong and together set the cart in motion with a RUK. What an era to live in!!


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