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The time of intentions

It's that time of year again. People come with new intentions, some more ambitious than others. But what makes next year different? To better understand Intention, we must first consider the concept of time.

Two types of time
Nature has a fixed cycle – the seasons. Every year we continue through the same processes of rest, germination, growth, maximum expansion, contraction and death. People also like to close and start over. Come to a stop, look back and reflect. Looking ahead, making plans and getting moving again. 

As humans, we are convinced that time is our enemy. We live against the clock and often time (or the lack thereof) is the culprit in our lives. Our businesses are focused on making maximum use of time: we call it productivity and efficiency. This linear perception of time is undeniably one of the most important dimensions in our existence. And in a way that is a shame. Because there is another time. A time that is our ally. A time that allows you to process sadness and release anger. 

These two types of time are called Chronos and Kairos time. From Greek mythology we know the god Kronos, the father of time. Chronos time stands for linear, measurable time, clock time. The time in which we move from activity to activity, the time in which we work in a results-oriented manner and, above all... the time in which we are always short of time.

The youngest and most rebellious grandson of Kronos was Kairos, the god of the right moment, the occasion and the right measure. The time that provides change, insight and transformation. The right time (and not before).

Where Chronos stands for continuity, Kairos means a temporary interruption thereof. During that interval we, as it were, forget the clock time and enter a different time experience, which has unexpected insights in store for us.

Every year's end brings us to a standstill. We look back on what lies behind us and formulate new Intentions. But what actually is intention and why do we talk about the power of intention?

In Zen Man, Zen Horse, Allan J. Hamilton shares a very interesting view on Intention. Changes in energy take place because our brain packages the energy to do something with it. Every action, no matter how small, only takes place with intention. Intention collects and organizes the energy. Our brains must first “package” the energy neatly in order to be able to do something with it. That is intention.

So the process is: Intention => Collection => Action => Relaxation

A simple action such as taking a cup of coffee must be “taken care of” before we actually reach out and lift the hot coffee mug to our mouth. The energy is first collected and bundled, the potential is created. The brain decides when which muscles should be activated, ensures that the necessary energy is collected and then takes action. It is a good example of seeing intention as what it effectively is. Collecting, focusing and directing energy.

That is exactly why working with horses is so magical. Much faster than the human brain suspects, horses read every intention that precedes our action. As prey animals, they need this sensitivity to survive in the wild. But it also works the other way around. If you look and listen closely to horses, you will see the intention preceding the movement. And in that momentum you also find confidence in dealing with horses. Because a horse does not communicate sloppily and thoughtlessly. With their optimal energy system they also follow this process: Intention => Collection => Action => Relaxation. And they do that in a very efficient way.

What every horseman dreams of? Working in freedom and from connection with horses that “gathered” into action. With horses you see this collection very literally: it is a position in which the horse brings its hind legs under the body and therefore lowers from behind. This reduces the weight on the forehand and increases the neck position. And we all know that “powerful” horse appearance 😮.

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas season. In Kairos time. A time to make good intentions, gather our energy again... and then take action in 2024.


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