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HALT - Horse Act Learning & Training

To support organizations and individuals in their learning process, Horse Act developed a unique learning method: HALT . HALT starts from the following 4 principles of effective learning:

  • Attention | The horses take care of that like no other. They give us experiences in the Here and Now that we will never forget.
  • Space | Learning takes time, everyone has their own rhythm. Our system needs processing time to integrate new insights.
  • Anchoring | Mental learning moments alternate with moments of experience with the horses. Feeling is necessary to permanently anchor new insights in our system. Knowledge becomes 'knowing'.
  • Commitment | Personal growth and awareness require that all our sensory gates open. Learning processes only start based on our own will.

Lifelong learning from horses

Our learning model starts from the horse-man relationship , the connecting interaction between man and horse. It is a relationship based on trust, in which there is no room for dominance and fear.

The foundations of this philosophy are:  R espect  and Trust , the building blocks of Leadership in horses. The herd is an age-old and authentic system, shaped by evolution, that works perfectly. It is the essence of horse language. Respect ensures that we do not overstep the boundaries of others. Trust ensures that we dare to come out of our comfort zone and show our vulnerability. And those dynamics are exactly the same for people within their different 'systems'. Horses are our teachers here. 

HALT is a process 

The NLP College explains the ( neur)logical levels of Bateson and Dilts  . These show us in a simple way what the HALT process looks like for companies, teams or individuals.

The logical levels are: environment, behavior, capabilities, beliefs, values, identity and mission. These levels indicate  different degrees  from which we can think, feel, know and speak. The lower levels contain concrete matters  and thoughts. The higher levels are  more complex, abstract  and provide insights and solutions.   HALT follows Bateson's and Dilts' logical levels, from low to high:

  1. Environment => Behavior => Skills 
    We start at the level of the context, the concrete things that you can observe. One level higher we find behavior. This is the only level that is measurable and, together with the environmental level, it is the only level that is visible. Then we come to the level of talents, qualities and emotions. Here we touch a person on a deeper level. Exploration of our possibilities, limitations and skills are contained in our ebook  => The Silent Language, what people can learn from horses about Leadership, Authenticity and energy management .
  1. Beliefs and Values: 
    One step further we arrive at the level where real changes take place. Beliefs and values ​​are our motivations and provide us with energy to get moving. When you are working at this level, you are motivating. Empowerment, consent, and motivation provide us with an answer to the question: Why? Horse Act wrote the ebook  => Horsepower, what people can learn from horses about energy management and optimization .
  1. Identity
    The identity level is one of the most powerful domains for motivating people to do something. Working at an identity level is inspiring. When we look deeper at this level, we experience that true identity emerges when words cease, beyond the concept of self. Silence can help with this. When you give words to an Identity, it becomes a belief again. That is what our new ebook is about  => Identity, what people can learn from horses about Freedom and Tolerance.
  2. Mission
    Here we have arrived at the highest neurological level: Mission - Connection - Soul. Anyone who works at this level is an 'awakener'. Here you will discover what a person contributes to the world. Because the universe is so much bigger than our individual identity. Everyone is part of it and at the same time we are all a reflection of this bigger picture.

HALT therefore means: STAND STILL

The HALT methodology always provides sufficient learning and anchoring moments with the horses. All workshops and events take place in the Hof van 't Rommersum silent farm. Because HALT also means effectively coming to a standstill. The horses help us with this and draw our attention 100% to the Here and Now, the only place where there can be real silence.


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