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The leading rope reveals the connection

During horse coaching, the leading rope plays an essential role as a symbolic tool. It provides insight into the relationship between the coachee and themselves, the person or theme that the horse represents during the session, or even the coachee's relationship with life. The leading rope gives us valuable insights during the learning process with horses.

The lead rope acts as a bridge between the coachee and the horse. It represents the connection and communication between the two. The leading rope can be seen as a metaphor for the relationship with yourself, others and the world around you.

Many assignments are done with the horse in freedom, but sometimes the coach also asks to lead the horse using the lead rope. This physical action reflects the way in which the coachee takes or does not dare to take leadership in daily life. The leading rope can symbolize the extent to which someone is connected to his or her own inner strength and leadership qualities.

The horse always responds to the lead rope and this can be done in very different ways: the horse can resist, withdraw, follow you or completely pass you by. This behavior can serve as a mirror for the coachee and helps gain insight into personal blockages or limiting beliefs.

People who are somewhat concerned about losing control often use the lead rope too tight. They don't fully trust the horse, but actually they are afraid of losing themselves... and so exercising control is what is needed. But there are also people who let go of the lead rope too much and feel uncomfortable exercising control over the horse. The horse wanders aimlessly and is then more focused on its own needs than on asking for guidance. The horse also shows who has a lack of self-respect by disrespectfully entering the personal space of the coachee.

This works no differently in our human systems: the figurative leading rope must have enough slack to give the horse (the teammates, your family, etc.) the opportunity to make its own decisions, but tight enough to quickly and efficiently increase the pressure when necessary to help the horse find the correct answer. The rope must be present confidently, yet secure enough.

And that's what learning with horses is all about. Horses point out to us the thin line between Respect & Trust, the essence of horse language, but also the unconscious layer during a conversation between people and what all relationships are actually about. Respect ensures that we do not overstep the boundaries of others. Trust ensures that we dare to come out of our comfort zone and show our vulnerability. And those dynamics are exactly the same in people and horses.

Anyone who dares to look at themselves from a distance will also see this: in addition to its individual meaning, the leading rope can also symbolize the broader relationship we have with life. The guiding rope can help us become aware of how we deal with changes, setbacks and challenges. It can show us whether we are living life or whether we are being guided by circumstances. It is a very special experience…


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