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Your inner horsepower

We are focused on getting the best out of ourselves. We were taught this as a child, but in business we are also always looking for that optimal path. We want to achieve our goals, push our boundaries and be successful. But let's be honest. It often takes a lot of effort and we wonder how others do it. How can we tap into our maximum potential without losing ourselves or going to bed exhausted at night?

Here we can learn from horses. Horses are majestic animals known for their strength and speed. They are often associated with energy, dynamism and freedom. Just like people, horses have enormous potential to perform and excel. They only become truly powerful when they combine their natural talent with training and guidance. Horsepower is the energetic capacity they carry and when the situation requires it, a quietly grazing horse turns into a power bomb that cannot be stopped.

People also call it: standing in your strength. It is a 'state of mind', an attitude that we know but that we cannot maintain for long. This has everything to do with energy losses that play a role in our subconscious. Or in other words: with a lack of focus in certain 'dimensions'.   

In her book ' Time for the Soul ', Mia Leijssen talks about tapping into the deeper layers in our consciousness and about 4 dimensions of existence: the physical, social, psychological and spiritual dimension.

  • The  physical dimension  concerns everything that has to do with the body and the material world. Safety, comfort, enjoyment, health and beauty are important values. Self-experience at this level mainly means 'being able to' or 'having' things or not.
  • In the  social dimension,  people pay attention to public life. Here prestige, recognition and success are goals, but also responsibility, friendship and belonging. At this level, people primarily view themselves through the eyes of others.
  • The  psychological dimension  is about character traits and psychological characteristics. Self-knowledge, autonomy and freedom are highly regarded. A rich inner life is an important source of satisfaction here. Self-development is given a personal interpretation.
  • In the  spiritual dimension  we find self-transcending ideals and a broader interpretation of meaning. Here there is gratitude for what is. At this level a unity consciousness predominates. Values ​​are wonder, compassion, creativity, love…

When we look at horses and their horsepower, we can gain insights into how we can harness and maintain our own potential.

  1. Physical dimension: To reach their maximum potential, horses need care and training. They need to be well fed and hydrated, and given regular exercise. This also applies to people. To unleash our inner power, we must take good care of ourselves. This means eating healthy, getting enough rest and getting regular exercise. Through conscious self-care we lay the foundation for a powerful and energetic lifestyle.
  1. Social dimension: Horses are social animals and thrive in herds. They understand the importance of cooperation and strengthening each other's strengths. As humans, we can also learn a lot from horses here. Collaboration and surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people will help us tap into our horsepower. Whether it's seeking out mentors or collaborating with like-minded individuals, building a network of support and inspiration helps us realize our potential.
  1. Mental dimension: Another aspect in which horses and humans share similarities is the need for mental focus. Horses are able to fully focus on a goal or on their trainer. They ignore distractions and focus on what they need to accomplish. As humans, we can gain insight into our character traits, our functioning and our motivations. We learn to focus our thoughts on our goals and our energy on the steps needed to achieve them. Through meditation, visualization, and positive affirmations, we can strengthen our mental focus and build our horsepower.
  1. Spiritual dimension: The 'spirit' of every horse wants to have space, wants to feel alive and wants to care for its herd mates in love, for the survival of the species. They do this unconsciously. Every horse, just like every human, has the urge to be himself, to find a task in life that suits him and to be able to tap into his own intuition. We look for a purpose, a meaning that transcends ourselves. That's what it's about. There we find 'fulfillment'.

And that brings us back to the 4 contexts of existential well-being. When we are sufficiently 'present' in all 4 dimensions in our lives, we find inner peace, deep contentment... but also our real horsepower. Existential well-being is considered a person's ability to authentically shape their lives.

When focus is missing in one or more dimensions for a long time, we do not achieve existential well-being and we do not live life fully. We cannot maintain our horsepower because we do not pay attention to one or more essential facets of our humanity.

There you have it. Horses are not only powerful and elegant animals, they are a great source of inspiration for humans. By taking good care of ourselves, surrounding ourselves with positive people and having positive relationships ourselves, developing our mental focus, working together and pursuing the right selfless goals, we can awaken our inner horsepower.

This is how you put yourself into a gallop 🐴🐎🐴.


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