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Learning energy management from horses

When horses communicate within the herd, and they do all the time, the conversation is about respect & trust. They test each other's boundaries and play a game called: “my space, your space”. It is the basis of their energetic and silent language.  

Horses' attention is 100% in the Here and Now. They are aware of every energetic change in the environment, no matter how small. Down to the level of intention. When the lion rests, the horses continue to graze. But as soon as the lion gets hungry, the herd has already left. This energetic sensitivity is necessary because horses are prey animals. When the leader signals danger, the herd switches to maximum potential and that enormous horsepower is activated in an instant. It's a matter of survival.

Even when the human comes to the horse, the energetic game “my space, your space” is played. The Leadership Check. Because the horse rightly asks itself the following questions: Is this Human sufficiently powerful, grounded, centered and present? In short, can I trust him and is he safe for me in times of danger?

During the freedom work in the paddock, every gesture, every movement is observed by the horse. The more difficult the context (e.g. strange environment, many restless people present), the greater the need for safety ... and the more the horse will test the human "energetically". Respect and Trust, that's what it's always about. 

When both are in balance, a horse will connect with humans of its own free will and follow them everywhere. And no rope is needed for that. Because when respect and trust are in balance, connection is created. And that is an energetic bond. We are then in a place that we also call the “silent middle”.

Why is it so difficult for humans to maintain that connection?

We all know the universal energy. It is that living, vital force that you find in all of nature. The energy that keeps your heart beating, your intuition speaking and you being mentally strong. It is the energy that makes you want to get up every morning, take good care of your body, comfort a crying child and help a sick animal. This universal energy runs vertically through us, through people and horses, from top to bottom. When that energy flows through us, without losses, we are in connection. With ourselves and with our environment. 

But as humans we often lose that grounding and energy is lost on the horizontal axis. That axis represents everything around us in the world. In our busy lives, the focus is mainly on this horizontal axis. It is the place where noise arises, you are too focused on the outside world and you experience a full head because of all the to do's. This horizontal axis contains all “energy losses” and we experience the feeling of being empty, of being exhausted, of being unable to do anything anymore, etc. Energy losses also include all forms of pain, sadness, anger, resentment, jealousy, etc. that we continue to carry with us and not processed. Experiences, thoughts and beliefs that we do not let go of so that they can be grounded and drained. Returning to the silence within yourself is also called returning to the silent center, the place on the vertical axis where you experience inner peace... no matter how turbulent the environment may be.

The silent middle is present in everything and everyone. It is a powerful place that provides a solid anchor to live from. From here you can manifest insights, change, deeper connection or achieving a goal. So the question is: How do you become silent? And what do you have to let go of to remember that the silent center is a place within you that is always available to you? What's stopping you from going to this place and staying there?

People make energetic connections in the horizontal field based on fear and dependence. Think of seeking recognition outside yourself, being dependent, dominance and submissiveness, over-concern, constantly being busy with others, addiction, etc. It is inevitable that as a human being you will have to deal with these challenges, they are part of life. But many people get caught up in it. They have lost the basic security within themselves, they have lost the connection. And we can learn that from horses. They remind us that the silent middle is always there. And that being in the world from there always gives a feeling of confidence. And when the environment is unsafe (insufficient respect and trust), there is still that horsepower that can be activated. Because in the silent middle our maximum potential is available. And it resides in each of us. Sometimes we just forget.

A magical experience to experience this with an energy master, the horse.


This article contains extracts from our ebooks: Horsepower and De Stille Taal. 

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