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Stress, Hartcoherence and Horses

In our modern society, many people face stress on a daily basis, whether it is work-related pressures, social obligations, or personal challenges. Long-term stress can negatively impact our physical and mental health, making it essential to find effective ways to manage it better.

The nervous system and our response to stress: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

Our nervous system plays a crucial role in our response to stress and emotions. The autonomic nervous system regulates our bodily functions and consists of two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in response to stress, while the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for relaxation and recovery. We also call it the accelerator and brake pedal of our body.

When we are exposed to too much stress, the 'sympathetic' remains active and we gradually become overtired. Our mind no longer finds peace and we overexploit our body. In the longer term, this situation may lead to burnout.

The proximity of horses has a remarkable calming effect on our nervous system, making it easier for us to achieve a state of relaxation and balance. When we are around these beautiful animals, we often experience a decrease in our heart rate and a slowing of our breathing, signs of activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Heart coherence and the power of cooperation with horses

One approach that has been gaining popularity in recent years is the concept of cardiac coherence – the harmonious collaboration between our heart, brain and nervous system. When we are in a state of cardiac coherence, our heart rhythms are even and coordinated, resulting in a state of inner balance and emotional stability. Heart coherence indeed has many positive effects on our body and mind. It can reduce stress, improve concentration and focus, strengthen our immune system, and promote a sense of well-being and happiness.

Various techniques, such as breathing exercises, meditation and biofeedback, can be used to promote heart coherence. By practicing regularly and being aware of our breathing and emotions, we can learn to achieve and maintain this state of inner balance and harmony.

But horses can also play an important role in reducing stress. Their natural sensitivity to human emotions allows them to respond directly to our moods, making them excellent therapists in promoting well-being. By working with horses, we can learn to better understand our own emotions and develop effective coping strategies to reduce stress.

The calm presence of horses, combined with their calm breathing and steady heart rate, can act as a mirror to our own nervous system, making it easier for us to synchronize with their rhythm. After all, horses respond to subtle signals and emotions from people, and they can help us to become aware of our own inner state. By working with horses, we learn to better understand and regulate our emotions, allowing us to achieve a deeper state of peace, harmony and balance.

Are you ready to experience the healing power of horses and promote your own heart coherence? Discover how our horse-related activities, such as horse coaching and therapeutic groundwork with horses, can help you reduce stress and restore inner balance. Together with our beautiful horses we build a healthier and happier life.


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